Philip G. Chen, Amanda C. Bryan. Forthcoming. “The Legal Double Standard: Gender, Personality Information, and the Evaluation of Supreme Court Nominees.” Justice System Journal.
Doherty, David, Amanda C. Bryan, Dina Hanania (Loyola Undergraduate), and Matthew Pajor (Loyola Undergraduate). 2020. “The Public’s Foreign Aid Priori- ties: Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment.” American Politics Research. 48: 635-648.
Bryan, Amanda C., Rachael Houston, and Timothy R. Johnson. 2020. “Taking Note: Justice Harry A. Blackmun’s Observations from Oral Argument about Life, the Law, and the U.S. Supreme Court.” Journal of Supreme Court History. 45(1) 44-65.
Bryan, Amanda C. 2020. “Public Opinion and Setting the Agenda on the U.S. Supreme Court.” American Politics Research. 48(3) 377-390.
Doherty, David, Amanda C. Bryan, Reid Willis, and Paul Witry. 2019. “Representation Imperatives in the Public Mind.” Social Science Quarterly. 100(6) 1963-1983.
Chen, Philip G. and Amanda C. Bryan. 2018. “Judging the Vapid and Hallow Cha- rade: Citizen Evaluations and the Candor of U.S. Supreme Court Nominees.” Political Behavior. 40(2) 495-520.
Bryan, Amanda C. and Ryan J. Owens. 2017. “How Supreme Court Justices Supervise Ideologically Distant States.” American Politics Research. 45(3) 435-456.
Black, Ryan C. and Amanda C. Bryan. 2016. “The Policy Consequences of Term Limits on the U.S. Supreme Court,” Ohio Northern University Law Review. 42: 821.
Bryan, Amanda C. and Christopher D. Kromphardt. 2016. “Public Opinion, Public Support, and Counter-Attitudinal Voting on the U.S. Supreme Court.” Justice System Journal. 37(4): 298-317.
Bryan, Amanda C. and Eve M. Ringsmuth. 2016. "Jeremiad or Weapon of Words? The Power of Emotive Language in Supreme Court Opinions." Journal of Law and Courts 4(1) Spring: 159-185.
Johnson, Timothy R., Amanda C. Bryan and Charles Gregory. 2016. “Loyalty and Def- erence at Oral Arguments: An Empirical Examination of How Supreme Court Justices Treat Solicitors General” Loyola University Chicago Law Journal. 48: 439-74.
Owens, Ryan J., Patrick Wohlfarth, Alexander Tahk and Amanda C. Bryan. 2015. “Nominating Commissions, Judicial Retention, and Forward-Looking Behavior on State Supreme Courts: An Empirical Examination of Selection and Retention Methods” State Politics & Policy Quarterly. 15(2) May: 211-238.
Black, Ryan C. and Amanda C. Bryan. 2014. “Explaining the (Non)Occurrence of Equal Divisions on the U.S. Supreme Court.” American Politics Research 42(6) November: 1077-1095.
Black, Ryan C., Christina L. Boyd, and Amanda C. Bryan. 2014. “Revisiting the Influ- ence of Law Clerks on the U.S. Supreme Court’s Agenda Setting Process.” Marquette University Law Review 78(1): 75-109.
Black, Ryan C. and Amanda C. Bryan. 2014. “Calling in the Reserves: Judicial Replacements on the U.S. Supreme Court.” Justice System Journal 35(1) March: 4-26.
Ringsmuth, Eve M., Amanda C. Bryan, and Timothy R. Johnson. 2013. “Voting Fluidity and Oral Arguments on the U.S. Supreme Court.” Political Research Quarterly 66(2): 429-440.
Black, Ryan C., Amanda C. Bryan, and Timothy R. Johnson. 2011. “An Actor- Based Measure of Issue Salience: Information Acquisition and the Case of the United States Supreme Court.” In Kai Opperman and Henrik Viehrig (editors) Issue Salience in International Politics. New York: Routledge.